Are you ready to reshape your lower body with minimal effort? Just 10 reps of targeted exercises can help you strengthen your hip joints, tone your inner thighs, and lift your buttocks. Whether you’re a fitness newbie or an experienced workout enthusiast, these moves are perfect for building strength and achieving a more defined lower body.
It’s the busy end of the year season. I’m sure many people eat too much but don’t have time to go to training or yoga. So this time, we’ll introduce you to some exercises that will burn fat!
Why Focus on the Hip Joint, Inner Thighs, and Buttocks?
Mobility, stability, and general lower body strength all depend on the hip joint. You may perform better in everyday tasks, lower your chance of injury, and improve your posture by strengthening the muscles surrounding this joint.
Furthermore, strengthening your inner thighs and buttocks enhances your appearance and aids in stabilizing your body whether you run, stroll, or climb stairs.
What muscles should you train to burn fat?
When you feel like you’re not getting enough exercise or want to tone up your body a bit more, it’s effective to start with the larger muscles in your body. The larger the volume, the greater the burning effect, and developing larger muscles can also help you gain strength. So, which muscles in your body have the largest volume?
Improved hip joint flexibility and strength
1. Quadriceps (front thighs)
2. Gluteus maximus (buttocks)
3. Hamstrings (back thighs )
4. Deltoids (shoulders)
5. Pectoralis major (chest)
The top three are muscles in the lower body. Therefore, by training the lower body, you can expect to increase your metabolism and burn more calories, while also building muscle strength at the same time.
You should train the back of your thighs rather than the front
Looking at the rankings, one might assume that training the quadriceps (the front of the thighs) is effective, but in fact, it is said that many modern people spend long periods sitting and have poor posture, which weakens the muscles on the back of the thighs.

So, if you only train the front of your thighs, the difference with the weakened back will widen, and you may cause muscle imbalance. We recommend training the muscles of the buttocks and back of the thighs, which are ranked high and tend to weaken easily. By balancing the muscles in the front and back of your legs, you will also be able to balance your body and posture.
An exercise that involves two steps to strengthen the big muscles on the back of your legs
This time, we will introduce you to an exercise that can train the back of your thighs and buttocks at the same time. It is a method that can also train the inner thigh muscles, which tend to weaken.
<How to do it>
1) Lie on your back and raise both knees.
2) Spread your knees out to the sides and make a diamond shape with your legs.
3) Using your inner thigh muscles, raise both knees and bring them together firmly.
4) Raise your hips while keeping your knees together.
5) slowly lower your hips and open your knees while controlling your posture.
6) Perform the sequence of motions five to ten times.
If you want to increase the intensity, standing on your tiptoes while lifting your hips in step 4) will help train the entire back of your legs, from your thighs to your calves.
Transforming your lower body doesn’t have to take hours at the gym. With just 10 reps of these powerful exercises, you can tighten and strengthen your inner thighs, buttocks, and hip joints quickly. Start incorporating this routine into your fitness plan today, and watch your lower body transform!
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