Home Fitness Exercises Thick Shoulders: The Surprising Cause of a Bulky Upper Body!

Thick Shoulders: The Surprising Cause of a Bulky Upper Body!

by securelifefitness.com
Thick Shoulders: The Surprising Cause of a Bulky Upper Body!

Is the phrase “thick shoulders” familiar to you? The upper torso might appear bulky and chubby if fat builds up around the neck and shoulders. To shed shoulder fat, I’ll be teaching you some simple arm rotation exercises today. Are you over-worrying about how your upper body looks? Do you have a hard time feeling confident because of your bulky appearance? Who you assume is the culprit could not be! We will examine the surprising reason for a large upper body—thick shoulders—in this blog post and provide a straightforward yet efficient remedy.

The Impact of Thick Shoulders

Thick shoulders can create a broader, more masculine silhouette, making you appear bulkier than you are. But that’s not all – tight shoulder muscles can also lead to poor posture, reduced mobility, and even affect your overall well-being.

Why Do We Get Thick Shoulders?

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand why we develop thick shoulders in the first place. Common causes include:

  • Muscle Imbalance: Overuse or underuse of shoulder muscles can lead to imbalance and thickness.
  • Poor Posture: Slouching and slumping can cause shoulder muscles to tighten and thicken.
  • Stress and Tension: Emotional stress can manifest physically, causing shoulder tension and thickness.
  • Genetics: Genetic predisposition can play a role in shoulder shape and size.
Thick Shoulders: The Surprising Cause of a Bulky Upper Body!

Causes of Thick Shoulders

Having fat around the shoulders makes you look well-built and muscular. The fat around the shoulders is a mixture of muscle and fat, like marbled meat. When fat accumulates around the shoulders, it can make it difficult to move the upper body.

Is It Hard to Lose Weight If You’re Overweight in The Upper Body?

It is hard to shed weight after it has been gained. It is said that women who are troubled with upper body fat have a harder time losing weight than those with lower body fat. The reason why upper body fat is difficult to lose weight is that as women age. The function of female hormones decreases muscle strength, and psychologically, they become more susceptible to stress in life and menopausal problems. These things pile up, and fat tends to accumulate around the shoulders.

There is Burnable Fat in Fat

There are two different kinds of fat, did you know that? White fat cells store fat and save energy, while brown fat cells break down and burn fat. It is said that brown fat cells are mainly concentrated around the shoulder blades, even in adults. Moving the area around the shoulder blades properly and strengthening the muscles around the shoulders and back will lead to a slimmer appearance.

“Shoulder Rotation” to Eliminate Shoulder Fat

1. Place your feet hip-width apart and stand up straight.

2. Place your palms on your shoulders and rotate your elbows while stretching them out as far as possible. Imagine moving your shoulder joints and shoulder blades widely.

3. Place both hands behind your back and rotate your shoulder joints backward. Inhale and move your fists away from your body, bringing your shoulder blades together. Lift your chest diagonally upwards and shrink your back from both sides.

4. Clasp your hands together in front of your body. As you exhale, push your hands forward and widen your back.

5. Release your hands and raise your torso by stacking your spine, and as you exhale, move your ears and shoulders away from each other.

Say goodbye to a bulky upper body! By incorporating easy shoulder rotation exercises into your daily routine, you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes. Remember, thick shoulders are often the unexpected cause of a bulky appearance. Make the first move toward a more confident, trimmer self!

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