Home Fitness Exercises The “Sitting Iliopsoas Stretch” increases the range of motion by identifying and relaxing the muscles that control hip joint mobility.

The “Sitting Iliopsoas Stretch” increases the range of motion by identifying and relaxing the muscles that control hip joint mobility.

by securelifefitness.com
Sitting Iliopsoas Stretch

The Sitting Iliopsoas Stretch is a game-changer, targeting the deep muscles that control hip joint mobility. If you sit at a desk all day, your iliopsoas muscle will easily become stiff. By loosening your iliopsoas muscle, you can improve your hip flexibility and your leg-splitting poses! You can also prevent lower back pain and swelling in the lower body. Are you struggling with limited hip mobility, causing discomfort and restricting your movement? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the importance of hip mobility, the role of the iliopsoas muscle, and provide a step-by-step guide to mastering the Sitting Iliopsoas Stretch.

The stiffness of the iliopsoas muscle is also related to the movement of the diaphragm!? 

Sitting for extended periods causes your hip joints to flex, which limits the iliopsoas muscle’s range of motion when it contracts. The diaphragm, which contracts while breathing, and the iliopsoas muscle are tightly connected. When you breathe shallowly and don’t give your abdomen enough time to relax, your diaphragm’s movement reduces. Which impairs the movement of your iliopsoas muscle, particularly the psoas major muscle.

To prevent your hip joints from becoming stiff, you need to move them appropriately, and it is also important to create relaxation times that allow you to naturally breathe abdominally by being conscious of taking large steps when walking and taking slow, deep breaths.

The effectiveness of iliopsoas stretching is increased by “posterior pelvic tilt”!

Sitting Iliopsoas Stretch

“Today, we will introduce stretches for the iliopsoas muscle, which is the key to improving hip flexibility. The iliopsoas muscle is a muscle that connects the upper and lower body and is a collective term for the psoas major muscle, which connects the lumbar vertebrae to the base of the thigh, and the iliac muscle, which connects the ilium and femur. The key to effectively releasing stiffness in the iliopsoas muscle is to stretch with your back slightly bent and your pelvis tilted backward. It is less effective if you stretch with your back arched and your pelvis tilted forward, so be careful of the tilt of your pelvis when doing this.

Sitting iliopsoas stretch

Purpose and Effects: Stretches the iliopsoas muscle, which is involved in hip joint movement, relieving muscle tension and promoting smooth hip joint movement.


  • Point your left toe, bend over, and extend your right leg. Align your left thigh and right shin to the ground. Raise your pubic bone, incline your pelvis back, and gently bend your waist. Put both hands on the front of your knee.
  • While keeping your pelvis tilted backward, round your spine slightly, gaze toward your navel, and hold this position for 5 breaths.
  • Next, rock your body back and forth and hold for 5 breaths. Repeat on the other side.

The Sitting Iliopsoas Stretch

This stretch targets the iliopsoas muscle, increasing hip mobility and range of motion:

  • Beginning posture: Take a seat on the ground and extend your legs straight in front of you.
  • Knee bend: Slowly bend one knee, keeping your foot flexed
  • Lean forward: Lean forward, stretching the front of your hip
  • Hold and release: Hold for 30 seconds and release

Tips and Variations

  • Start slow: Begin with gentle stretches and gradually increase the depth
  • Focus on relaxation: Release tension in the iliopsoas muscle
  • Use props: Use blocks, straps, or towels for support
  • Make it dynamic: Add movement and flow to the stretch

The Sitting Iliopsoas Stretch is a powerful tool for unlocking hip mobility and enhancing movement. By incorporating this Iliopsoas stretch into your routine, you’ll be amazed at the improvements in your range of motion, flexibility, and well-being. Remember to start slow, focus on relaxation, and make adjustments as needed. Happy stretching!

Also read: https://techdigitaltrend.com/what-role-does-an-amazon-fba-academy-play-in/

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